Acupuncture can help with chronic & acute pain conditions.
Acupuncture can help with chronic & acute pain conditions.
Our providers have training & clinical experience that has informed their acupuncture approach for pain management. They enjoy using a Traditional Chinese Medicine approach paired with trigger point release (sometimes called dry needling) to relieve pain from tight, knotted muscles.
Our providers have training & clinical experience that has informed their acupuncture approach for pain management. They enjoy using a Traditional Chinese Medicine approach paired with trigger point release (sometimes called dry needling) to relieve pain from tight, knotted muscles.
Acupuncture for Pain
Acupuncture for Pain
Neck pain
Postural pain from computer use & desk jobs
Shoulder pain
Back pain
Hip/leg pain
Knee pain
Sciatic pain
Joint pain & arthritis
Plantar fasciitis
Jaw pain / TMJD
Motor vehicle accident related pain & injury (whiplash, sprains, headaches)
Menstruation & period related pain (read more about periods here)
Read more about our unique approach using trigger point therapy (dry needling) for tight knotted muscles here.
Read more about our unique approach using trigger point therapy (dry needling) for tight knotted muscles here.