Routine acupuncture care continues throughout pregnancy. Beginning at 37 weeks, acupuncture can be administered weekly for labor preparation.
Routine acupuncture care continues throughout pregnancy. Beginning at 37 weeks, acupuncture can be administered weekly for labor preparation.
Labor preparation:
Labor preparation:
Promoting the body's innate processes of cervical ripening, relaxing the opening the pelvis to prepare for labor and birth.
Research has shown positive benefits to weekly acupuncture beginning at 37 weeks to decrease rates of medical induction & cesarean surgery, and reduce the amount of time spent in labor.
We work in collaboration with your obstetrician or midwife to address:
We work in collaboration with your obstetrician or midwife to address:
Breech baby presentation (most successful between 33-36 weeks)
Postdates pregnancy before medical labor induction